Solar Charge: efficient, sustainable power for semi-trailer batteries
Solar Charge is a unique solution for maintaining and powering your semi-trailer batteries. Harnessing solar energy, it ensures your batteries stay charged and your heating system operates efficiently, even when your trailers are idle.
Reduce costs, save fuel, and choose an eco-friendly option with Solar Charge!
Automatic battery maintenance
Idle semi-trailers often face dead batteries and expensive replacements if not started regularly. Solar Charge eliminates this issue by automatically charging batteries during downtime, saving you from costly repairs and replacements.
3-6 month payback through reduced fuel consumption
On sunny days, Solar Charge can power the trailer’s heating system independently, significantly lowering fuel consumption. In Nordic climates, this translates to a payback period of just 3–6 months*, making it both an economical and ecological choice.
Simple installation, universal compatibility
Solar Charge is easy to install and works as an add-on to any SSC heating system. It can also be retrofitted to any semi-trailer, regardless of its existing heating or cooling setup.
* Payback assumptions: In Nordic climates, there are 70–90 sunny days per year with temperatures below +15°C. During these days, trucks can save 2 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers. With an average daily distance of 600-800 kilometers and a fuel price of €2 per liter, the payback period is estimated at 3–6 months.